Day 4: Mo’olelo Planting the Seed

Solomon Enos designed his game using Hawaiian stories

Day 4

Stories are a big part of Hawaiian culture. Solomon Enos is an artist who came to visit us today. He shared his belief that all of the mo’olelo–the stories–begin in seed form. Solomon believes open source escapism and activism in art are to be shared. He said, “Sharing is how we survived through the millennium and Hawai’i had came to the threshold of losing their stories. The biggest gift we have, is to share our stories.”

Solomon Enos sharing his creativity

Solomon Enos is an awesome, energetic and passionate artist who draws deeply from his Hawaiian heritage. He advised the participants to launch their own canoe “into a new journey by building your story into an exciting experience that opens the door to your imagination. Creating feeds your Spirit, your Ko’liano. It is healthy to work on your stories, to get into the flow, where time has no meaning.”

Solomon showing his prototype game art and how to play.

Solomon is also a game designer, and he led us in playing his visually stunning card game.  He encouraged the Skins participants to make their game “delicious, to make it nutritious, to make the game full of flavor”. With a philosophy much like our own, he stated “With story telling, we build on the past to make sense of the present and the future, and we translate thought into reality. We can do this by having no more secrets, show reality and how life really is.”

Matt Sproat shared his gift of music with a well sung ballad.

Matt Sproat is a recording artist who comes from a musical family and is blessed with talent.  Matt is publishing his fifth album and is inspired by Hawaiian music. “Music can make you happy. Sound makes you feel. Sound is tangible,” he said as he plugged in his guitar to introduce the software, Audacity.His lessons will focus on how to create and manipulate sound for game play.

Matt introducing Audacity sound software

At the end of this fast paced day the Skins 5.0 team had a plan for a video game that is going to be adventurous and challenging. We gathered, as usual, to end with an Oli. Have a relaxing evening and Mahalo nui.


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