Day 3- Laughter Is The Best Medicine


After learning the basics and exploring the capabilities of Photoshop from Vance Martin yesterday, we are beginning today with a fantastic tracking and organizing tool called Gluon. To some it may seem to be a challenge to conquer; yet, in itself, it is quite similar to learning a strategic game play. Gluon is so valuable in knowing where everything is filed, how to find it and knowing who is working on what. Genius!

“Solomon Enos is an artist that creates worlds with his words and his drawings” said Kawila Mahi. Solomon is a native Hawaiian who has come to terms with his humanity and has imagined a world where people have evolved into fantastic powerful Beings intent on enabling peace and harmony. He arrived with a new set of fantastic set of drawings created over the last 44 days.  His works speak volumes and is really about getting outside of the box and giving yourself the freedom to imagine and to create fantastic new worlds.


After the tight schedule of the morning it was pure joy to hear the camaraderie and discussion about playing games the old fashioned way. Playing analog games followed by rapid prototyping is a useful tool in pre-production. If you create a dozen potential plays, there will be possibly dozens more filled with rewarding experimentation. Experimentation is the key. It was a fun filled afternoon playing and discussing game play and what challenges the players experienced and to begin the planning for the game that He Au Hou 2 will create.

Mahalo Nui