Day 14 The Final Crunch

Presentation with industry guest Stephanie Harvey
Stephanie Harvey

Aloha and good Morning

We have been working for 14 full days now. I am feeling both happy and excited because things are progressing at an amazing pace.

We started the morning with a Google Hangout discussion with the recent winner of Canada’s Smartest Person and gamer champion: Stephanie Harvey. She said, “To be more creative in developing games you need to make games; paper games, reverse engineer games, and write game rules, stories and documents, play games. You do not have to work in a triple A company to make a game- you can do what you love at home, in a restaurant, anywhere. Her presentation about breaking out into the game industry made me believe that anything is possible if you are creative, organized and love what you do.”


Tomorrow is the unveiling of our prototype game. Community has been invited to come to see what everyone has been busy creating. There are many more small breakout meetings and everyone is working quietly. One can tell that participants are having fun creating this game, there is still heartfelt laughter filling our space. It was a long day and a late night of working as all of the final programming and game integration of cinematics sound and images came together. Testing and more testing to search for ‘bugs’ went late into the early morning hours with the game engine taking more than 6 hours to render the final prototype.

This is certainly exciting!

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