How to get started with the files you received

June 29th, 2009

Here are the instructions for you to set up and be ready to continue working on this project!

1.Transfer the files from the CD to your computer:
to  C:Documents and Settings[your_account]My DocumentsMy GamesUnreal Tournament 3UTGameUnpublishedCookedPCMaps

to  C:Documents and Settings[your_account]My DocumentsMy GamesUnreal Tournament 3UTGameUnpublishedCookedPC

2. Start Unreal Tournament 3 Editor:
Start>Unreal Tournament 3>Unreal Tournament 3 Editor

3. Open the Generic Browser (if it is not already opened)

4. Open the packages you just moved: (If they are not already loaded in the generic browser)
(you can ctrl-select to add to your selection and choose them all at once)

5. Open the Skins.ut3 map located at C:Documents and Settings[your_account]My DocumentsMy GamesUnreal Tournament 3UTGameUnpublishedCookedPCMapsSkins.ut3

Then you are ready to work!

You can preview the game by pressing the PlayerStart button at the top to start where the player will start…

…or right-cliking in your 3D viewport and selecting “Play from here” to start wherever you want in the level.

Enjoy your modding!

Categories: Game Development, Unreal Engine, Unreal Mods | Comments Off on How to get started with the files you received

Useful Unreal Tutorials and References

June 29th, 2009

Here are some good links to create a Mod (need to start Unreal Tournament 3 to play it) or a Mutator (the finished game runs on its own without need for Unreal Tournament 3).

Setting up a mod project:

create a mutator:

Create a custom character:

Weapons in UT3:

many video tutorials:

Plenty of tutorials on many subjects:

scripting classes documentation:

Categories: Game Development, Unreal Engine | Comments Off on Useful Unreal Tutorials and References

Wokshop 5

April 5th, 2009

Its Happening! Things are being built. It has been a very productive workshop thanks to everybody there. Here are the assets that were made over the 2 days, just keep in mind that some of them are still work in progress:

The hand by Kahentawaks:

Long House by Tehoniehtath:


Categories: 3D Modelling, Blender, Unreal Engine | Tags: | Comments Off on Wokshop 5

Second Life vs. Unreal (for KSS student projects…)

January 19th, 2009


Categories: Second Life, Unreal Engine | Comments Off on Second Life vs. Unreal (for KSS student projects…)

A Brief Intro to Unreal Engine

January 19th, 2009

1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Unreal rendering capabilities
1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Unreal rendering capabilities

What is it?

The Unreal Engine is a popular game engine developed by Epic Games. It first appeared in the 1998 first-person shooter game Unreal, it has been the basis of many games since, including: …


Categories: Unreal Engine | Comments Off on A Brief Intro to Unreal Engine

Grimm Games

December 3rd, 2008

Here is a video game that I found that both uses the Unreal game engine and reintepretes classic fairy tales.


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